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41 Wabash Avenue (Dundas/Sorauren)
Roncesvalles, Toronto W01
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Located just two blocks from the vibrant and very cool Roncesvalles Ave. retail corridor and close to many parks and other amenities such as convenient transportation and schools. Adjacent property immediately to the east is currently under construction for a 4-storey 62 unit residential stacked town-home complex. Site has exceptional redevelopment potential. Owner will leaseback property for up to 2 years as Buyer rezones and markets new development. Offers on Seller’s standard form which will be provided to qualified Buyers. Currently improved with a 3 level industrial building occupied by the Owner. Owner requires leaseback after closing for up to 2 years at minimum rent. Zoning: I1D2 – presents a re-zoning opportunity. Offered on an “as-is” basis Contact Listing Brokerage for more information.